Written by Alexandra Moxin
In this episode I interview JW Weatherman, software security expert and co-founder of YetiCold, his son Will, and Robert Spigler, crypto-anarchist, FLOSS/H enthusiast and bitcoin maximalist. We spend the first 20 minutes digging into Yeti’s development and features including Yeti Hot, Yeti Warm and Yeti Cold. We talk about good security practices and compare the features available natively in Yeti against hardware wallets including Ledger, Trezor and ColdCard.
We discuss why it’s important to run a full node and the benefits of using Bitcoin Core beyond the fact that it’s by far the most peer reviewed open source software project in this space. We dig into game theory a bit and through a couple of extreme examples explore greed, motivation and human behaviour. JW, Robert and Will give their perspective on ways you can guard your open source software project against bad actors, including yourself, once you factor in extreme examples.
Closing out the episode we talk about bitcoin fundamentals and explore how bitcoin surviving the SegWit2x attack demonstrates why bitcoin is sound money built for the people maintained by the people and provably confirms decentralization of the project.
You can reach this episode’s guests on twitter at @JWWeatherman_ and @RobertSpigler.